People & Organization

Board of Governors


Mr Alan YOUNG (2024-2025)

Head of I.T., Caritas Hong Kong

Vice Chairman

Mr Pascal TSE (2024-2025)

Chief Information Technology Officer, St Teresa’s Hospital

Mr Michael FUNG (2023-2024)

Chief Systems Manager, Hospital Authority

Governors (Elected)

Dr Antonio SEK (2023-2024)

CEO and Chairman, Chiron Healthcare Group Limited

Dr Hon David LAM (2023-2024)

Legislative Council member (Medical and Health Constituency Representative), Legislative Council, HKSAR

Governors (Government Appointed)

Ms Ingrid AU (2023-2024)

President, eHealth Consortium

Mr Barry CHIN (2023-2024)

Vice Chairman, The Association of Hong Kong Professionals

Dr Thomas CHOI (2023-2024)

Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Davy WU (2023-2024)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Accountancy and Law, Hong Kong Baptist University

Ms Manbo Man (2023-2024)

Ex-Director of Nursing Service, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital